Physical Education
PPE221 Biomechanics
Biomechanics uses physics
and engineering concepts to describe the motion undergone by various segments
of the body, and the forces acting on these body parts during normal
activities. This course will detail the application of mechanics to the
functioning of the human body at all levels from the cell to the tissue, organ,
and whole body.
this course is designed to offer student teachers an introductory understanding
of the application of mechanics to the functioning of the human body at all
levels, from the cell to the tissue, organ, and whole body. Furthermore, the teaching approach will include theoretical delivery,
student research, field trips and presentations by students or experts in the field.
PPE213 Cricket
Dear Teacher Candidates
Welcome to PPE 213: Cricket (Secondary TVET Majors)
Hello Teacher Candidates!
Welcome to the course Cricket (PPE 213) and has been designed for all YEAR TWO (2) SEMESTER FOUR (4) teacher candidates.
This course comprises ten (10) units and will be completed in thirteen (13) weeks of instruction using the face-to-face mode of delivery from 9th September – 20th December 2024, for this semester Four (1) week for mid semester quiz and one (1) week for examinations. This course is non examinable thus, you are required to complete your Final practical assessment in the week of 29th November 2024.
NOTE: you are required to attend all sessions at your respective centers with the appointed tutor/facilitator.
The course and the material are organized per Unit. Each unit’s section includes a document to read with the task for that week, additional readings required, and materials are on the platform under heading course information. It is most important to participate in class discussions, and all practical sessions, exchange ideas, and ask questions within the weekly class meetings.
Important Note: you are required to attend all Face-to-Face sessions. These sessions will be conducted by the lecturer/facilitator from the respective Centre.
PPE212 Sport Psychology
Dear Teacher Candidates
Welcome to PPE 212: Sport Psychology (Secondary TVET Majors)
Hello Teacher Candidates!
Welcome to the course Sport Psychology (PPE 212) and has been designed for all YEAR TWO (2) SEMESTER FOUR (4) teacher candidates.
This course comprises eight (8) units and all will for twelve (13) weeks of instruction using the online or face-to-face mode of delivery from 9th September – 20th December 2024, for this semester One year two, (1) week for mid semester quiz and one (1) week for examinations. This course is non examinable thus, you are required to complete all your assessment 6th December 2024.
NOTE: you are required to attend all sessions at your respective centers with the appointed tutor.
The course and the material are organized per Unit. Each unit’s section includes a document to read with the task for that week, additional readings required, and materials are on the platform under heading course information. It is most important to participate in class discussions, and all practical sessions, exchange ideas, and ask questions within the weekly class meetings.
Important Note: you are required to attend all Online or Face-to-Face sessions. These sessions will be conducted by the lecturer from the respective Centre.
PPE211 Theory and Methodology of Training
Dear Teacher Candidates
Welcome to PPE 211: Theory and Methodology of Training (Secondary TVET Majors)
Hello Teacher Candidates!
Welcome to the course Theory and Methodology of Training (PPE 211) and has been designed for all YEAR TWO (2) SEMESTER FOUR (4) teacher candidates.
This course comprises of eight (8) units and we will have twelve (13) weeks of instruction using the face-to-face mode of delivery from 9th September – 20th December 2024, for this semester one year two (1) week for mid semester quiz and one (1) week for examinations. This course is examinable thus, you are required to complete your examination in the week of 1st December 2024.
NOTE: you are required to attend all sessions at your respective centers with the appointed tutor.
The course and the material are organized per Unit. Each unit’s section includes a document to read with the task for that week, additional readings required, and materials are on the platform under heading "Course Resources". It is most important to participate in class discussions, and all practical sessions, exchange ideas, and ask questions within the weekly class meetings.
Important Note: you are required to attend all Face-to-Face sessions. These sessions will be conducted by the lecturer from the respective Centre.
PPE133 Physical Education & Play ECH & PRI ONLY
This course is intended for the student-teacher (trainees) to have an appreciation for Physical Education, to help pupils improve their motor skills, and increase muscle strength and bone density, which in turn makes pupils more likely to engage in healthy activity outside of school. This course will prompt the training teacher to motivate children to expand their skills and understand the fundamentals of a sport, which in turn will make it easier to grasp the rules of another. Physical Education (PE) is perfectly put to provide for children’s all-around development. As well as building physical skills, it also teaches the young learners about intellectual skills through play, helps them traverse complex social circumstances, and encourages their social, mental, and physical development.
PPE132 Dance
This course seeks to introduce and expose students to both traditional and modern dance forms. Emphasis will be placed on the use of rhythmical activities in mastering basic movement skills and learning to use them effectively, efficiently and creatively. A wide range of teaching and learning approaches will be used to facilitate lesson delivery. These include creativity, group interaction and the opportunity to choreograph.
PPE131 Sport Appreciation(Sport Ethics)
Sports ethics is the branch of sports philosophy concerned with the specific ethical issues that arise during and after sporting events. Sport ethics has become not only a fertile terrain for testing and developing philosophical notions and theories over the past century, but also a primary point of contact between philosophy, civil institutions, and society at large.
This course provides an introduction to ethics in the context of sports. Sports values will be examined, as will common ethical quandaries faced by those involved in sports. This course will cover topics such as fair play and sportsmanship.