English Language
"Grammar is not a set of rules; it is something inherent in the language, and language cannot exist without it. It can be discovered, but not invented.” ~ Charlton Laird
ENG 132 Methodology for The Teaching of Prose Fiction
Welcome to ENG 132 Methodology for Teaching Prose Fiction.. This is a Semester III course which is designed for all English Majors of the Cyril Potter College of Education.
Trainees will be guided in selecting relevant teaching strategies, as well as creating curriculum materials and learning activities relevant to grades 7, 8 and 9 students.
This course is a 15 weeks course and will be done by self study and tutorial sessions.
Teacher Candidates are required to be actively involved in all the required Forum Discussions.
This is a non examinable course, but there are 3 assessment pieces that must be completed. Trainees are expected to attain an average of 55% for each piece in order to complete the course successfully.
ENG211 CSEC Novels and Plays
This is a Semester 4 course that is designed to give teacher - candidates the opportunity to study texts from different cultural perspective. These texts are selected form the current CSEC English B Syllabus.
The teacher- candidates will be required to examine the texts with the aim of analyzing the themes presented in those works, and also demonstrate how the elements of prose fiction contribute to these themes. They are also required to write critical analysis of discussing how these selected themes are portrayed in the various texts.