Agricultural Science
This course is intended to inform teacher-trainees of the diversity of insects and their impacts on agriculture and understanding of strategies to manage them. As teacher-trainees become aware of the uniqueness of insects physiological and systemic features they are better inform when managing them.
A warm welcome to everyone!
We recognized that you have made one of the most important decisions of your life. That decision is to join this noble institution to pursue studies in Agricultural Science,at such a time as this. We want you to feel comfortable and know that the environment has been created for your success.
Grab the opportunity as it approaches; do not wait until it passes to try to grab onto it. I personally wish you all the very best as we interact for the next 10 weeks on online and face to face.
Course Description
This course is designed to expose teacher-trainees to the theoretical and practical aspects of Horticulture. To this end, it is essential for teacher-trainees to understand the principles involve in small scale cultivation of crops. It is so critical that the practical aspect be addressed thus, creating a teacher quite capable to function in that capacity. This practical entails the cultivating of crops and an exhibition on the branches of Horticulture.